5 Best Habit Tracker Apps for iOS and Android

In this age of digitalization, we often turn a blind eye to essential things in our life. Our phones carrying social distractions such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have derailed our productivity. Did you find it hard to reach a goal or keeping track of small habits and important activities in life recently?

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We have a solution for that — Habit Tracking apps. Both the App Store and Play Store are filled with various habit tracker apps. These apps can be beneficial in tracking routines such as taking medicines, walks, brushing teeth at night, watering the plants, etc. These are just some of the scenarios to use any habit tracking app.

In this post, we will walk you through the top five habit tracker apps for iOS and Android. The details will include top features, the highlight of the app, price, cross-platform function, and more. Let’s jump in.

1. TickTick

TickTick is more of an all-rounder in the list. The app is known for its excellent task management functionalities. But it also offers timer and habit tracking.

The function is not enabled by default though. Head to Settings > Tab Appearance > Enable Habit tracking from it.

Tick Tick Add
Tick Tick 2

Now, tap on + icon, and the app will present you with a list of habits and you can add frequency, days, and reminders.

The routine list will appear under the calendar. You need to manually check-in every habit in a time frame. Talking about stats, you can track the progress monthly and see the number of times you completed an activity.

Tick Tick

Other features include task management, timer support, various themes, icon packs, reminders, and more. It costs $29.99/year, and you can also opt for a $3 monthly plan to try it for a short time.

The app is available for iOS, Android, Windows, Web, and Mac ecosystem.

2. Way of Life

As the name suggests, Way of Life is about improving life with a continuous habit chain. When you launch the app, you will be asked to add some daily habits. One can also add their routines too.

Way Of Life Home
Way Of Life Goal

The homepage displays the habits listed under a weekly calendar view. You can tap on it and manually approve or disapprove today’s task. Users will be able to see live data through green/red tabs from the home tab.

The trends section displays the total completed routines with a bar graph.

Way Of Life Stats
Way Of Life Settings

Other functions include reminder, different app icons, app themes, detailed data through stats, and more. The best part of this app is its price — $3.99 one time payment to unlock unlimited items. It doesn’t follow the subscription route like others.

3. Loop

Loop is solely about tracking habits on the go. The app doesn’t offer the fancy stuff like the apps mentioned above. That should be fine since Loop nails the basics. By default, it takes you to the homepage, which only consists of a weekly calendar with major options at the top.

Loop Screen
Loop New Item

Tap on the + icon and add the habits that you want to track. You can also add questions/comments and reminders to check-in the habit.

Simple long-press the x mark to complete the habit. Click on the habit name and the app will present you with all the possible details such as monthly stats and success ratio.

Loop Stats
Loop Settings

Other functions include dark theme, export, and backup support.

4. Today

Today’s UI is unique compared to its rivals. Depending on your preference, you may or may not like it. The app relies on the cards interface to navigate through the options.

By default, it takes you to the home page and let you add new habits. Tap on the ‘+’ icon, set frequency, reminders, and you are good to go.

Today Home
Today Stats

To check-in a particular habit, swipe up and manually press the calendar date. As you complete a habit, you will see a continuous chain.

Other functions include custom backgrounds, different types of cards like counter one, photo gallery, Apple Health, and more.

Today Settings

One can also use the fingerprint scanner or Face ID to keep the data safe. The best part is its one time price of $5.99.

5. HabitMinder

HabitMinder is about serving all the ingredients in one plate. The app does the major lifting for you. By default, it presents you with various habits about body, mind, health, and more.

Habit Minder
Habiit Minder Add

The interface displays all your habits in a vertical order. You can customize the details of your habits based on its nature. For example, you can add a timer to exercise and counts for pushups.

The other functionalities include a detailed chart with information, dark theme, various app icons, and more.

Habit Minder Home
Habit Settings

HabitMinder also offers tight integration with Apple Health. You can allow the app to read the data and check-in automatically in the app.

It costs $7 annually, or you can pay $15 upfront for a lifetime license.

Boost Your Productivity and Life

All these apps can help you keep track of habits as well as essential activities and reach the long-term goal. Pick one of the apps mentioned above, stick to your routines, and witness your productivity and life improve gradually.

Next up: Talking about Habits, meditation is one of my daily routines. Both Calm and Headspace excels in this area. Read the post below to see a detailed comparison between the two.

Last updated on 07 February, 2022

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