How to Enable and Use Album Art in KMPlayer

KMPlayer and VLC Media Player are the finest players in terms of features and suppleness. Things like media streaming and format conversion make VLC an advanced player. On the other hand KMPlayer is rich in subtitle assist and media bookmarking abilities.

Though both the players have a ‘simple to use’ interface, KMPlayer wins the eye candy toss by offering an elegant album art cover. And that’s what we are going to talk about today.

If you are wondering that you have KMPlayer installed but never saw the album art feature on its cover, there are probable chances that you have it disabled. So, hit Ctrl + Alt + L, choose the player skin and Close  the window to have it activated.

Activate Kmplayer Album Art

Starting with a blank surface you will need to add folders in order to sync and index files within (each folder gets represented as a single album). Click on the Add Folders  icon placed on the top left of the interface.

Kmplayer Interface

Then, navigate to the folder which you want to make an album of and have it selected. Note that the inside subfolder structure will be lost and only the parent folder with all its contents makes its way.

Add Album Kmplayer

The import activity may take some time depending on the size of the folder and the number of files it contains. Meanwhile, you can minimize the player and continue with other tasks at hand.

Adding Folder In Progress

When it is 100 percent done (with many more folders imported) you will have an organized and easy to use directory of media library. You can of course toggle the way your files and folders are displayed. To do that use the icons on the top right of the interface.

Toggle Views

The thumbnail view shows 12 thumbnails at a time with a snap from the video and its name beneath it. If you are looking for a favorite video the picture aids in quick gather.

Kmplayer Thumbnail View

In the album art view, there is only one file in focus with a roll like scroll. This one has a classier look and feel.

Kmplayer Album Art View

The scroll (with left and right arrows) in the center top of the player is your gateway to swap albums or folders as have been linked.

Toggle Albums

Now, adding folders and albums is not the only thing. If you have modified the actual folder that has been linked you should refresh (third icon) the album view to update things. There is every possibility that you may want to remove files and folders and delink them from the album signature. Select an album and hit on the middle icon to have it removed.

Add Remove Album

To delete a file within an album hover your mouse pointer on it (the thumbnail in thumbnail view) and click on the basket like icon.

Remove Media

To end with, here is the complete list of shortcuts that will prove helpful while you are using the KMPlayer’s Album Art.

Album Art Shortcuts Kmplayer


Though I have been using KMPlayer for a long time, I never tried its album art. But now it is my complete assistant. I haven’t searched the internet for more skins but I am sure there should be options. Let me know if you find any. I am eager to try them.

Last updated on 03 February, 2022

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