Use Find & Replace To Insert Text String After Word In MS Word

Mswordlogo The Find and Replace feature of Microsoft Word is a huge productivity booster because it allows us to do even massive text replacements with a single click. But what if you don’t want to replace a text string, but add something after it?

There are many real-word examples of such a scenario. You might have to add a degree after a name; you might have to add the name of a co-worker after another’s name; or any other piece of data which the document might need to be complete.

You can do so simply with the ^& code in the Replace With value in the Find and Replace toolbox. For e.g. in the graphic below,

Find Replace

The process will fire and find all instances of the name Jane Smith. But it will also add the degree of PhD. after the name. The ^& code is a placeholder for the text string in the Find field.

Hope you enjoyed this quick tip!

Last updated on 03 February, 2022

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